

Richard Harding and Geoff Smith are incorporating health and wellness for their team at Ray White Lower North Shore Group.
We were invited to speak to their group of employees to reinforce the importance that health and fitness has on work performance.
We've known and trained Richard and Geoff over the last 13 years and many of the team members. 
For as long as we've known them they've kept health and fitness a priority in their busy lifestyles and they also continue to give back generously to the community and charities.
Here's a quick reminder of why you keep fit and healthy because we know its way easier to sit on your backside. 
Most of us are trying to lose fat and its the sign that things are not really o.k. inside - the same amount of fat that is sitting on the outside is sitting on the inside around all your organs and that plays havoc with hormones, digestive system, and energy levels. 
Choosing to exercise and adopt a fit and healthy lifestyle is ultimately up to you. it's your choice, the light switch in you has to turn on and hopefully it turns on before you have a medical episode ie heart attack, stroke.  
You may have a few false starts to get going, but don't give up.  If the norm in your work and living environment is a healthy lifestyle you are far more likely to succeed in achieving results. So you're all here to support and encourage each other.
Have your BODY COMPOSITION assessed - there are many businesses specialising in testing such as INBODY or DEXA SCAN.  
If there is a warning sign that your WEIGHT, BODY FAT PERCENTAGE OR BMI WERE OUT OF THE NORMAL RANGE  there's your first sign - DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. 
Besides your body weight, know your cholesterol level, liver function, blood pressure - get your GP to check these.
Here's our Rancan list of why you exercise: 
Doctors are prescribing exercise as part of a mental health program
Exercise helps you control your weight
Reduces your risk of heart disease
Helps manage blood sugar and insulin levels 
Helps you quite smoking
Improves your mental health and mood 
Helps keep your thinking, learning, and judgement skills sharp 
Strengthens your bones and muscles 
Reduces your risk of some cancers 
keeps your core strong and back strong
Improves your sleep
Improves your sex life
Increases your chances of living longer 
Here's how simple it can be: 
  • Make everyday activities more active. Even small changes can help. You can take the stairs instead of the elevator. Walk down the hall to a coworker's office instead of sending an email. Park further away from your destination.
  • Be active with friends and family. Having a workout partner will make you more likely to enjoy exercise. You can also plan social activities that involve exercise. You might also consider joining an exercise group, walking or running club, or team sport 
  • Keep track of your progress. Keeping a log of your activity or using a fitness tracker may help you set goals and stay motivated.
  • Make exercise more fun. if you stick with just one type of exercise, you might get bored. Try doing a combination of activities.
  • Find activities that you can do even when the weather is bad or when bushfire smoke is hazardous to air quality. You can climb stairs, or work out in a gym 
  • Register and start training for an event 
It doesn't need to cost a lot - most gyms are based on consumers signing up and never going. 
Park Run is free it's a 5km run and you receive all your results and you can participate all over the world, the closest to Cremorne is North Sydney Park Run
The most important thing to remember is exercise is a daily routine. 
Track your steps to achieve at least 10,000 steps a day - 15,000+ for weight loss - USE A FITNESS TRACKER such as a FITBIT or APPLE WATCH
Start with a walk, swim or bike ride for 30mins - you need to elevate your heart rate to get weight loss and fitness results
Remember it will take 3 weeks to change a habit. 
Don't limit yourself to only a morning or evening workout - do something in the morning and the evening especially if you have a sedentary job. 
Stretch - most stressed bodies are tight and stiff - yoga or pilates are the best place to start 
Breathe - practice some slow steady breathing or use an APP  to guide you. Deep breathing assists with weight loss. 

If you're a regular exerciser then you want to stay injury free so cross train with different activities

Try this simple standing ab workout - Stand and place one hand on your abdomen, without moving your hand, draw your belly away from your hand without sucking your breathe in or moving your shoulders.

FOOD and Healthy Eating.
What to EAT??? The more we know the more it seems complicated - it's really not. 
We all have our own likes and dislikes with food.  Our weight loss clients make small adjustments to their current eating plan and achieve weight loss results. 
We've been around long enough to see it all the diet fads!
Atkins, Lemon Detox, Keto, Baby Food Diet, 5/2, 16/8, paleo, meditteranean diet, cabbage soup diet, intermittent fasting, no sugar, the meal replacement shakes and the list is endless. 

These all may help you lose weight in the short term but more than likely you will gain even more weight as you put it back on. 
Rancan food don'ts - 
Don't be on a diet 
Don't do shakes 
Healthy eating has to be a lifestyle, and shakes just don't work for long term weight management
Rancan Do's 
Drink more water 
Eat fresh food - in it's most natural state 
Limit alcohol or no alcohol 
Limit sugar - or no sugar 
Limit caffeine - or no caffeine
2 or more days of intermittent fasting - 16hours overnight 
Choose food to eat that is in it's most natural state, the least processed, without sugar and salt add lean protein plant or animal.
Fasting 2 or more times a week 16hours to give your liver and digestive system a rest for example stop eating at 6pm and start at 10am - drink water only during this time
Platter of vegetables sticks/hummus/very small amount of cheese
Sliced apple with peanut butter or tahini 
small amount of corn chips - the most natural you can find 
small amount of non salted nuts 
Smoothie made at home in a Nutribullet - berries, milk, 1/2 banana, psyllium husks 
Make your own nut/date balls
Drink 2 litres of water a day - this has to be the simplest and cheapest weight loss tool, if you feel thirsty you're already 30% dehydrated, feeling sluggish is a side effect of dehydration
Be careful not to over hydrate - you could dilute potassium and sodium so there is not need to drink more than 2 litres unless you have been exercising and sweating profusely 
Kombucha: probiotic drink
Commercially produced kombucha you buy from the supermarket will not have the health benefits you think you are getting. 
Small batch kombuchas are the ones to use.  You can find them in health food stores or markets 
Start your day with Lemon juice in a glass of water or apple cider vinegar in water 
Breakfast - Lunch - Dinner - plan ahead 
Make a food diary of everything you eat over a 7 day period or use an APP such as MY FITNESS PAL - include alcohol intake - circle where you think you can make changes ie less sugar, less alcohol, less caffeine, less salt, 
Some takeway options if you're not a cook at home - when you get busy and overloaded with work - easy and affordable options is what you need to stay on track 
Fresh food is best and we sourced a couple of food venues in Neutral Bay: 
NUTRITION STATION is located in The Grove - you can buy 5 meals for $50 at the Nutrition Station and make up your own combos

FRESH BLEND is located in Theo's Arcade in Neutral Bay. Salads and the Lean Green smoothie is our recommendation, mention The Rancan Sisters sent you for a discount.

You are aiming for good Gut Health and good gut bacteria which is promoted with a wide variety of fresh fruit and vegetables, lean protein, plenty of water, 
An anti-inflammatory diet is one that has very little sugar, alcohol, caffeine, dairy and grains - so many ailments can be cured with a healthy eating plan.
Schedule a daily appointment with yourself to simply go for a 30min walk or your usual workout 
Make at least one change to your eathing habits, whether its drinking more water, including more plant based foods, lowering your alcohol intake 
Do Feb Fast - no alcohol or sugar for the month of February
Breathe - practice the slow deep breathing and sit up tall 
Load your phone with FITNESS APPS
My Fitness Pal for food tracking 
Nike Fitness App 
Breathing App for guided de stress breathing 
We want to see Ray White Lower North Shore Group continue to be the best in the business and for all the team members to be the best you can be. 
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