
We all need change to regularly shake up the monotony of our life-routine and to re-motivate ourselves. Nowhere is this truer than your workout routine …

Sticking to the same workout routine can be very convenient. And easy. But at some point it may stop giving you the results you want to achieve -- so you need to shake things up.

The changes needed are as varied as we are people. It can be a change to the intensity or the type, or you may increase the time spent working out.

No matter how you alter it, just the simple act of changing your workout can often be an effective re-motivator and may make things more interesting for you.

Why change?

Regularly changing your exercise routine ensures that your body is continually challenged, you burn more calories and it results in a more successful weight loss.

In addition, you avoid repetition, boredom and a plateauing of results – all of which are key reasons for people quitting their workout routine.

When change?

After a few weeks (or months) of a regular training program, there’s a tipping point where the body reaches a consistent level of biomechanical efficiency. At this point you start to burn fewer calories than when you moved inefficiently, because the energy expenditure and heart rate remain the same for the same level of exertion.

In strength training there is a technique called periodisation. This is where three training variables are manipulated:

  1. Timing (monthly cycles during the year)
  2. Volume (how many reps and sets you lift)
  3. Intensity (how hard or how much weight you lift)

An example of a basic periodisation model would be to:

  1. Lift lightly with high reps (12-15) for two months to increase your muscular endurance and tone.
  2. Then transition to higher weight and fewer reps for the next two months to build strength.
  3. Then take a month off to recover and let your body grow before beginning a new cycle.

We recommend changing your routine every 6 weeks.

In all our programs at RANCAN SISTERS FITNESS we aim to change the variables within the classes by adding load, intensity and variation. This is designed to give you the maximum results within the 10 week course.


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