
Don't be surprised if you see groups of people baring it all outside our studio. And don’t be embarrassed - they’re not. Because they know it’s the solution for chronic inflammation (regarded as the cause of most common modern diseases) … don’t you?

So … have you bared it all lately?

When was the last time you walked barefooted on the grass or sand and connected to the earth? You should you know, because this simple act has been identified as one of the most important health discoveries.

It seems that the simple act of grounding — or rather the lack thereof today — may have a lot to do with the rise of modern diseases.

Barefoot connection

Throughout evolution, humans have walked barefoot and slept on the ground. The hidden benefit of these simple acts was that through them we unknowingly received from the Earth a natural, nurturing, and gentle electric energy.

It’s likely you’ve experienced the energy yourself some time or another - maybe on holidays walking barefoot on a sandy beach – when you’d have felt some tingling or warmth in your feet.

That sensation is the ground's electric energy passing into your body - the result of your conductive body making contact with the skinof the conductive Earth.

Current research has revealed that this energy creates a distinct and uplifting shift in our physiology.

It promotes health, vitality, and better sleep; harmonises and stabilises the body's basic biological rhythms; knocks down (and even knocks out) chronic inflammation; and reduces and eliminates pain.

Growing disconnect

The disconnect from this natural resource right under our feet may likely be a totally overlooked – and major– factor behind the alarming rise of chronic disease in recent decades, and inflammatory-related conditions in particular.

Our modern lifestyle has increasingly separated us from the subtle benefits of this flow of omnipresent surface energy. Wearing insulated rubber or plastic soled shoes the flow of energy is effectively blocked and obviously we no longer sleep on the ground.

Natural conductor

Because your skin is a very good energy conductor, any part of your body can be connected to the Earth to feel the effects, but if you compare various parts there’s one that is especially potent- right in the middle of the ball of your foot - a point known to acupuncturists as Kidney 1 (K1).

It’s a well-known point that conductively connects to all the acupuncture meridians and essentially links together every nook and cranny of your body.  

How long do you go barefoot to reap the benefits?

Any amount of time is beneficial but a good prescription would be 3 x a day for 15 minutes. Sitting in a chair reading with your feet connected to the earth is an easy way to increase the time spent remaining connected.


Referenced from the book:

Earthing the Most Important Health Discovery Ever by Clinton Ober, Martin Zucker, Stephen T. Sinatra M.D.


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