SORE FEET? Use a TENNIS BALL OR SPIKEY BALL for relief of tight muscles.
Walking or running 5km a Day, especially for our team members on the 5KM A DAY CHALLENGE can leave your muscles feeling tired and your feet a bit sore. Re-energise with these tips. All you need is a tennis ball or invest in a Spikey Massage Ball. 
Click here to purchase a SPIKEY MASSAGE BALL  Scroll down for exercises.
Did you know?.... Rolling a tennis ball under the foot can maximize the flexibility of the muscles and tendons within your foot, loosen tight back muscles and reduce back pain.
Why does it work?....When you massage the soles of your feet, you loosen the starting point of a network of connective tissue that runs all the up your back to the crown of your head.  
So it stands to reason that massaging your feet can loosen your hamstrings. 
TENNIS BALL (Plantar Tissue Stretch)
Why Do This Exercise?
This exercise relieves the tension in the ligaments and muscles on the bottom of your feet and stimulates blood flow to the area.  If you find that the first few steps of your day are painful this exercise will help.
How To Do This Exercise?
  1. Sit on the edge of a chair with the tennis ball under your toes.
  2. Roll the ball from your toes to your heel, applying as much pressure as you can tolerate.
  3. Roll the ball around in small circles on your forefoot (from your toes to under the ball of your foot.
  4. Now roll the ball around in small circles on your arch (from the end of the ball of your foot to the beginning of your heel).
  5. Then roll the ball around in small circles on your heel.
  6. Repeat the above process on your other foot.
How Often?
Roll the ball on the whole foot for 30 seconds.  Roll the ball on each of the 3 sections of your foot for 30secs 3 x daily.


Available to purchase $18

This therapeutic myofascial release ball features soft spikes that simulate the rejuvenating effects of a soothing sports massage. Performing self-massage exercises and muscle release techniques is easy with our spikey physio ball roll the ball across the ailing tissue.

For the best results, apply mild or heavy pressure with this trigger point ball to target tension and stimulate blood flow. This self-massage product can glide just as easily over clothing as it can directly on skin. In addition to being an effective lower back treatment, this ball is also designed to soothe the soles of aching feet for patients that experience plantar fasciitis.

Read on to discover more about this spiky ball for pressure points.

Key Features and Benefits

  • Increased blood flow leading to reduced muscle tension
  • Increased afferent stimulation to the nervous system
  • Relief from paraspinal muscle tension
  • Increased body energy flow through stimulating acupuncture meridian lines
  • Increased flexibility of joints

How to use:

1. Place ball directly on affected area.

2. Roll backwards, forwards and sideways on ball until comfortable for up to 90 seconds at a time.
  • Please note: using the spiky ball to relieve any sort of myofascial pain can be painful due to the condition of the soft tissue.
  • We recommend consulting your health professional before using the spiky massage ball for specific ailments.
  • Stop use immediately if you experience intense pain when using the massage ball.

May be suitable treatment for:

  • Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI)
  • Myofascial pain
  • Stiff neck and headaches
  • Frozen shoulder
  • Sciatica and back pain
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