You've almost conquered the Rancan Sisters 5km a Day Fitness Challenge - Now What?
There's nothing quite like that feeling that comes with completing a 5km a Day Challenge for the whole month. 
You may start to be feeling like "what will I do next"?
The biggest mistake or challenge that people face after finishing a challenge is - you get really excited; you do the challenge and feel inspired and have made healthy changes and as soon as it's over there's a loss of momentum.  
As soon as it's over, you lose the accountability.  But that doesn't mean all the hard work you've put in has to go to waste.
Here's how you can keep on track:
  1. Schedule your workouts ahead of time. When you're on the Challenge you know you're going to have to incorporate your 5KM walk into your routine, so you end up planning out exactly when you'll do it.  You can apply that skill to your life, so it's not just for the Challenge.  You've already created the habit.
  2. Don't fall into the 'All-or-Nothing' Mentality.  If for some reason you miss a workout or exercise day, don't just abandon the plan.  Get yourself back on track the next day.  Everyone struggles with being able to make time for all of the things life throws at you.  The idea of planning to do something every day, even if your step count is all the incidental exercise is better than being sedentary.  Find ways to in your lifestyle to be active.  It's about long-term consistency, not perfection.
  3. Being part of a Fitness Community.  One of bonuses of being on the Challenge is you have other people doing it with you.  Having other team members, family members supporting you and friends joining in when you tell them "I have to do my 5km".  Checking the 5KM A DAY Group Facebook page to see how everyone else is going.  You can keep up the Rancan Sisters fitness 5KM A DAY CHALLENGE community connection by sending us 'how you're going' with interesting walks or adventures and we will keep posting.  You can join in a live Class or Zoom H.I.I.T. or Barre, Personal Training, Outdoor Circuit, Yoga/Kayak with us to keep up a regular routine. 
  4. Maintaining your results after a Fitness Challenge.  It's all about being in the right mindset and surrounding yourself with likeminded people.  This fitness Challenge may be for one month, but leading a fit and healthy lifestyle is forever.  This Challenge gives you a re-setting or a starting point.  It gives you accountability and specific targets, but it's important not to just look at those changes as temporary.  Give yourself permission to make it part of your life. 
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